Letters from Antarctica
Page Two
Station is Antarctica's first city. Founded in 1956, it has grown from
outpost of a few buildings to a complex staging facility of more than
hundred structures. Winter-over population is typically ninety to 130
while in the Austral summer there may be ten times that many scientists
support personnel, journalists and visitors of one kind or another.
The entire
community is built on an old and crumbling lava flow which extends,
like a
peninsular, south from the active volcano Mount Erebus. Erebus, at 3796
towers above the station even though it is 18 miles away. Nothing grows
no trees, no grass, no insects, no dandelions. The only animals are
seals, skuas, and whales; penguins have the right of way at all
crossings. It may
interest you to know that the Masons have been here. Admiral Byrd was
founding member of the Antarctic Circle Lodge Number One and there is a
here, placed by that lodge in 1985, attached to a monument to Byrd that
placed by the National Geographic Society. My room is
pleasant enough. Beige walls dominated by a large print of Autumn
maple leaves on one side and a sprinkler head on the other, just above
my bed.
All the furniture, bed, desk, dresser, chair, is made of wood. The bed
comfortable enough but I am still not sleeping well; between the cold,
which is
most over and the incredible dryness of the air, the conditions are
at best. "Its a harsh continent" as they say down at the bus stop.
And not only that but the coffee is lousy and the milk is powdered.
Bleechqt!! Magnetic
declination is about 145 degrees East but the lines of force are so
vertical that my compass drags its needle. Not to worry though, all the
trails we are permitted to use are flagged. Red flags on the right mean
returning to base. Today I went on a hike to Castle Rock, three and a
miles away on the road to the volcano and about 1400 feet above sea
level. Of
course with the sun up all night there is no problem about getting a
start. Castle Rock is at the north end of a somewhat wedge shaped
ridge. From a
distance it looks like a volcanic plug not unlike Devil's Tower in
Wyoming but
when you get up close you see that it is made of multiple layers of
more like the red-rock formations of the American Southwest. In amongst
layers of sandstone are layers of a looser conglomerate of volcanic
Overall this makes for an unstable condition and the mass weathering
takes place in the Austral summer produces considerable loose rock on
the trail
which circles up the steep north approach. Going up is no problem, it
is sort
of like climbing a rickety rocky ladder, trying to get past several
cats or
kids on their way down, whilst keeping track of the several other
paths coming in from both sides. The view from the top is grand. Erebus
to the
north is in and out of the clouds and venting a wisp of steam of its
own; to
the south, out of sight below and beyond the dump is MacTown with
Hill to the left and way beyond that is Mount Discovery whose summit is
feet above sea level. Snow and ice cover the valley all round but
Castle rock sticks
up bare and warm in the midnight sun. Going down is scary to say the
Akin to walking on the down escalator as the loose debris underfoot
carries you
along past your exit to a dead-end of shear drops on all sides. Awesome! My work
here primarily involves the maintenance of several communications
systems using
various satellites for both voice and data back to CONUS—That’s
milspeak for
Continental United States. The Earth Station for one of these links is
on Black
Island, west of McMurdo, across the bay and it is to there we journey
next. But
first a closer look at this end. The Navy
operates most of the communications, COMS for short here. Using such
frequencies as 4770 kHz for the nearby Beaker Teams (Beaker is a sort
affectionate term for any scientist), 8990 kHz for aircraft operations,
11553 kHz for COMS with Siple, South Pole, Downstream Bravo, and
Basin. Tall towers, large rhombic antennae, several 10 kW transmitters
various remote receiver sites, not to mention the HAM shack, keep the
Navy ETs
busy. Several of these frequencies in the HF band are used for teletype
messages as well as voice for Stateside traffic however most such
traffic goes
by satellite via ATS-3 or INMARSAT. ATS-3, put
up by NASA a long time ago, is a sort of free use satellite. Working
long past
its expected lifetime and wobbling out of orbit, it is useful only
about five
hours a day. ATS-3 is used for data by the cosmic ray lab here and may
be used
for both data and phone patch by Siple and Pole. INMARSAT provides high
data and telephone service on a continuous basis but costs ten dollars
minute. The SATTRAK project runs up a bill of some $15,000 a month on
it. The
Earth station on Black Island consists of two terminals for INMARSAT, a
link to McMurdo, several other receivers, power sources and batteries
buildings and towers.
I found it
interesting that after several hours of working in a small shack with
windows and without looking at a clock my body would know it was supper
(not that I was hungry or anything...), my head would know it was dark
Then I would go out to go to the Jamesway and find some supper; the sun
be still up, way past west headed south, my clock would say
"half-past-evening-no-wonder-your-starving-stupid" and my head would
be going round in circles following the sun. On the
flight back we stop at another small island and pick up two Kiwi
and drop them off at Scott base before returning to MacTown. Later,
when the
helos are put away for the long winter, a traverse by tracked vehicle
will take
most of a day in the dark. Today is New
Years Eve, and snowing. You may not find that unusual but its
mid-summer here! Now we are
a few days later; the sky is clear and the temperature above freezing
The ice in the bay is melting and I have seen my first penguin
close-up. They
are very pretty birds. Their feathers shine in the sun and they use
stubby wings for balance as they run about the ice and jump from floe
to floe.
There were two of them in close and twelve people stood along the shore
pictures and laughing at the one which danced around and fell in the
water and
jumped out again and again. The other stood in one place turning this
way and
that making a clucking sound or a raspy throaty caw. In the distance, a
miles away, the Coast Guard ice breaker is steaming in, cutting a
through the sea ice for the resupply cargo ship which is due here in a
week. —30— This
letter is COPYRIGHT by Alfred J. Oxton, 1988-2009, McMurdo Station,
Island, Antarctica.
No portion
may be reproduced by any means without my express written permission. |
A.J.Oxton, OA, OO, OAE, k1oIq
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Copyright © 2009, A.J.Oxton, The Cat Drag'd Inn ,