McMud June
Letter page 7
My work is
going along, but not so smooth as before. Last week I had a radio alarm
indicated a failure on the microwave. It came in the middle of the
night and I
was obliged to dress and go out in the night to check it out. 'Twas
that a little good weather won't fix. The air is so cold that it is
the radio waves even... We have
been in CONDITION 1 weather for the past two days. That's supposed to
mean Mean
Weather. There are yellow ropes between some of the buildings so one
may get to
the galley and the dorm. Other buildings have their own kitchens and
food. Your
not supposed to go out in Condition One. I have done weather
observations on Mt
Washington in worse than this. These Navy people and their wimpy
rules... Tonight I
went to cook hot dogs and beans for the Kiwis at Scott Base. They don't
what real hot dogs and beans are and I had a hard time making do with
the yucky
beans they did have. I found some brown bread in an old storeroom here
and that
was new to them and I made my famous Wowie!Zowie!Cake for them too. The
was pretty bad to get there tonight and worse to get back. One of the
Deltas went off the road in the blowing snow and slid down a steep
about ten metres but didn't tip over. Driver couldn't find his way in
snow so he kept going... drove right over the edge. I've driven on Mt
in worse conditions than this and so I didn't have any problems with my
But all the same, I wouldn't want to be stuck outside tonight. Lots of
snow static on the shortwave. Comms pretty bad so phone patches have
difficult. Today there is a long list. Its Father's Day and my day to
work the
Ham shack. What if
Airdrop doesn't happen
And there is no mail for me. Or Worse if it does And there is still no mail for me. At least if my mail ends up at the Pole I'll know there was mail for me. But What if the mail for me Ends up in the sea... Perhaps by
now you will have seen some of the other poems I have written. Rhyming
is an
interesting form of expression, especially with some of the tighter
forms like
haiku. Sometimes the words tumble out and it is difficult for me to
copy them
fast enough so I don't lose any to the wind. Sometimes when I am only
writing a
letter the lines start to rhyme as if by themselves.
welcome to keep, If you care or you dare, A copy of each of these Poems
from my
lair. These words run from my fingers, They brush from my hair; To
burden you
with them May not be fair but, I find I can't keep Them locked up any
I'm back.
After a day in the life of the Wizard of McMurdo. I spend some time
about what it is I am doing here and why. Sometimes I am concerned that
burden others here to much with my presence but one person here who I
have come
to love and trust with my confessions takes the time to convince me
that my
ability to listen to others cry about what they are missing is more
dark sky
full of stars
drifting blowing snow and cold eat sleep read work cry living in space no children prison I escape in dreams I try not
to look forward to going home; the going will get here faster if I
don't look
for it, merely wait. But how I miss being there and look forward to
being there
penguinjection would be nice
To keep my blood becoming ice; But then when I go home someday, Unhappy I would be, if I had to wear an air conditioned Coat on a sunny summer day. Down here I think I'd rather wear a hat! And long underwear and sweater, Overboots and overbritches, Scarf and gloves, two pairs of Mittens and on my feet: The more blue sox the better! Then...When I get home one day I'll Just put on my skysuit; and In the woods I will go walking And in the river I will play. Communications
have been pretty bad lately. I have not talked to any one from the
Country in weeks and weeks. The last word I had was that Greg was
leaving the
mountain but I don't know why. It is hard dealing with scrapes of
Like trying to assemble a jig-saw puzzle with not all the pieces.
patches are no help right now; they are just not good for long
and the satellite phone is too expensive, it costs a dollar just to
hmmm and
haw for a few seconds. I must work three days to afford one call as
long as
this letter is now. At the rate the postage is going up it will soon
cost me as
much to mail it... I got a MARSgramme from Roger: my phone bill for the
tests is 1,100 dollars, and I didn't even get one real letter out of
all that. Thanks
very much to all of you who helped out with getting that project off
ground. I hope you don't feel too let down. Last night
I drove out to Hut Point, around the corner to put the lights of
behind me, and sat and watched the sky for a while. The last glimmering
twilight is still in the sky, just a faint tinge of red and blue along
the edge
of the mountains to the north. In another two weeks the sky should
getting light again and by August we should see the sun. In the darker
part of
the sky just above the horizon I could see Orion; I showed Orion to
before I came here, it is a winter constellation. Here Orion stands on
The moon
is upsidedown down here
On south side of equator, The sun is too But no shape has she, That I can see, And so she does not matter. The man on the moon stands on his head When I go to bed, And I stand on mine to see him. Orion's kilt falls away from his legs, And to me at least the question begs: Should he not be called MacOrion? I have
watched every movie in the tape library at least once now except most
of the
sex and violence flicks. I don't like them much to start with and
somehow they
seem to be even more depressing down here. When I get up north I think
it will
take me at least a month to catch up on all the new movies that I am
Today is
Sunday and I am going to the Ham Shack to stand with the other MARS
for the Cruisebook picture. The Cruisebook is sort of like a high
has happened! It was pretty neat watching the planes. Sort of like
watching for
Father Christmas to come down the chimney into the kerosene
have been going on for weeks. The Willie Field tower was renovated in
town here
and hauled out on a giant sledge. All the runway lights had to be dug
out of
the snow and the drop zone dragged with a chain to smooth away the
drifts. Burn
barrels were set in place to mark the drop zone and all the big Deltas
made ready to transport the pallets. There is even a tractor mounted
Then we
waited on the weather. The Air Force flies this mission as a training
using a C-141 and a tanker. They have to fly all the way from
Christchurch to
the Pole and back without stopping for gas. You all can look on your
maps to
see how far that is. In the C-130 that I came in on, four turbo props
and skis,
it’s an eight hour flight CHCH to MCM.
The C-141
does it in five with jet engines and no skis. In the summer they can
land on
the sea-ice runway but not on the skiway. The weather on Drop Day was
high thin
overcast and not much wind. I went with some other people out towards
We heard
on the radio that the plane was thirty miles out and a few minutes
later, way
overhead saw a contrail arc across the sky, across the halo around the
moon. It
was the tanker; way up there, lit up like a Christmas tree. Then way
low, just
a couple of thousand feet above the sea ice the sleigh pulled by four
jetdeer lumbered along towards the flashing strobe of the runway and
burning DFA barrels. From where I was I couldn't see the chutes and
pallets and
it was all over in a minute. The freshies and the mail had landed.
The big
plane came around again, climbing to meet the tanker which had circled
overhead, and headed for the Pole. They would get their drop today and
then we
would get another, mostly cargo, on Thursday.
All that happened
before lunch, but it took a few hours to load the stuff onto the Deltas
drive the eight miles to town. Freshies were first so that they might
freeze the lettuce and toms. Mail would be later. We had SALAD for
supper. I
saw a couple of apples go by but wasn't fast enough to get one. The
strawberries didn't survive the trip and some of the bananas froze. But
lettuce: salad in the morning, salad in the evening, salad at
suppertime, be my
little salad; I'll eat you one more time.
The first mail
call was about 2100. Mostly boxes. Some letters. There would be more
later but
we had to get rid of some of the stuff as there was no room to sort any
There was over five TONS of mail. That averages out to something like
50 pounds
each and someone said I was in the top ten. Well I don't know about
that. I did
get a lot of letters and some packages. And I cannot be sure whether I
was more
delighted over the letters I didn't expect or disappointed that the
ones I
really wanted were not here... like the Stones say: You can't always
get what
you want, but you get what you need. Then I get a message that says I
have mail
at the Pole. I suppose that's typical of the post office. Now that they
raised the rates again they can lose my mail to further away places.
Maybe the
letters I most wanted to have are at the Pole. I won't know until
But the
things I did get... an invitation to a birthday party in April, and
another to
a Wedding in August, three jars of REAL maple syrup, two crushed
(that box also contained pineapple flavoured Oreos, pineapple
pineapple popcorn and a pineapple Boston Globe...); six tins of
evaporated milk
and cheese and peanut butter, a yellow rose, sox... and a card from a
friend that said "I'll always love you."
I'm going
to work my way down through the pile of letters and answer most of the
interest questions here but this long letter won't leave the ice till
September. Some of you may get short letters before that if I can sneak
out from time to time.
someone please give Charlotte and Norman my regards and address. I
wrote to
them but their letter was returned. Happy Birthday Normie, sorry to
miss your
Thanks for your letter telling me what Spring is doing and how the kids
are. I
got a pile of art from them: Jessica's "Fourth of July" is hanging on
the wall for this week. We are going to have a bonfire and a pig roast
for that
holiday. I hope your doing well and that Mum is OK in her new home.
Moore: Thanks for the maple syrup. It arrived in fine shape. I am not
doing too
much hiking right now but I do get a lot of walking done going from
place to
place around town on my daily walkabout.
Gordon: Thank you for all the F-6 stuff. I have passed it on to the
guessers here for them to see what real weather is like. Yes, I'm over
the hump
now. The week on week off of the Obs was good training for this job. I
been offered a place here for next year but I don't know yet. It could
interesting working six months on and six months off; sort of an
summer. I might miss skiing. The song birds, eh? I can hardly wait for
return of the loud and squawking skua and the honking, braying
Mack: I am
happy to read that you expect to be soon in your new studio. Is the
parking lot
to be big enough to turn my bus in? Thanks ever so much for all the
news and
the box of goodies. Someone else here got a yo-yo too so we might have
competition... Your little jug of syrup arrived OK and I had some on
the day after airdrop. Good stuff! Good also to hear that the repeaters
doing well and that Guy wrote such a nice letter to Alan. Thanks for
your part
in that. What do you think the future of Amateur Radio is on the
Summit? I have
been following the WAR through little bits of news from time to time
received several clips in this deluge of mail. I'm glad I'm not there;
it’s all
so stupid... Please give my Best Regards to Claire Hinchley at the bank
and to
all the folks that helped send me on my “coming back here” in
September. Albie
too! Albie is at Grey Knob as I write this and Peggy is working for a
in Saint Johnsbury. She even gets a byline for her writing . When will
Gribbel sell his Conway place. I have several boxes of books there and
a pile
of other junk that I will want to recover...
station at KC4USV/NNN0ICE consists of a 20x20 flat roofed shack set in
the pass
between OB Hill and T-SITE just where the road turns left toward Scott
There is a three element beam on a thirty foot tower for twenty metres
there used to be a fifteen metre beam on a similar tower but it blew
away too
late to be replaced for this season. There is also a 40 metre sloping
besides the DFA furnace and the U-Barrel there is a Drake TR-7A, a
Henry 2K
Classic, outboard VFO, and a Collins phone patch. The RTTY stuff is
model 40
and there is some slow-scan TV equipment too. All the equipment belongs
to the
Navy and is (sort of) maintained by them. The antennae are the
of the contractor, which, like similar relationships in the business
scientific aspects of this endeavour, makes for some really hellish
trouble-shooting problems.
airdrop MAC CENTRE could not hear the approaching aircraft on 8997 USB.
didn't find out until later that their antenna had blown away. In order
facilitate the communications for this most essential mission Scott
listened to 8997 and patched it to their FM music transmitter on about
95 mHz.
couldn't find a boom box with enough selectivity to separate that
signal from
the two local twenty-five watt stations at 94 and 104 mHz so the
community went
without music and news for the duration. An elegant solution perhaps
but it
points up the confusion and last minute nature of a lot of the fixes
flow into MCM quite well via NNN0GKF in PA who, due to poor 20 metre
puts the grammes on the ATS-VAX mailbox in Malibar FL addressed to
Pole. Pole
picks up its mail once a day via the ATS-3 satellite when it exchanges
data and
makes phone patches via the same bird. They very rarely get up on Ham
The grammes will come to MCM either via the SouthPoleSatelliteDataLink,
uses a spare transponder on Landsatt, or by way of a 40 metre MARS
freq. MCM has
no similar path outgoing and the Navy will not allow that the grammes
be sent
via NTS. There is no equipment that might use any of the Ham satellites
so the
messages pile up until we get a good day and a good operator stateside
to take
them. But that's OK... it really doesn't matter...
Next time
I come down here I want to bring a portable Satellite Packet station
and see
what I can do with the new OSCAR. The Hams at Scott have all that stuff
and it
works great.
Ben: The
box of Red River arrived in fine shape. I will take it to one of the
kitchens I
can use and have some with maple syrup. Thank you. Thanks also for the
about the mountain and the annual sled ride. Dave when he was on
vacation out
west. Thanks for all the info about Mad House. That's my fav hut even
tho JBH
used to work there...
What joke book? Did it get censored out by New Zealand Customs? You
don't need
to join MARS to run patches. A lot of the time we go up to 14.313 to
the MM
net. Quite often comms are better there than on MARS. Not good the news
WMOU. Those greedy bastards will never stop.
My week
around town consists mostly of a daily walkabout to check on several
communications systems. Sometimes I fix things... A typical weekly
report looks
like this:
T-SITE, clean and sort parts for air dryers; COSRAY, work on
problem where ATS-3 transmitter is causing spurious counts in neutron
Proposal for mods to Navy SSB switch matrix; MARS; Check SATTRACK, BFC,
T-SITE, inventory MR400 UHF radio equipment; fix copier at BIOLAB;
T-SITE, compressor failure; fix sewing machine at BFC. Check SATTRACK,
Check SPSDL dome and receiver; clear error in INMARSAT CPU. Check
Reports and Letters. Check SATTRACK, BFC, CHALET.
The part
about checking Sattrack, BFC, Chalet is usually done in the order of
BFC for
tea in the morning, Chalet sometime later, and Sattrack in time to set
and have
a glass of Chablis before din-din.
BFC is the
Berg Field Centre where we outfit all the field parties and the SAR
Tents, packs, food, sledges, porta-potty, stove (turds are saved in
Baggies and
flown back to MCM for cremation (last summer, of one flight back from
Island, we stopped on some small ice berg to pick up a field party;
they had to
leave behind a couple of tool boxes as the cargo space of the chopper
was full
of bags of thiS. (can you imagine what sort of poem Robert Service
would write:
The Cremation of Sam Maggie's thiS))) ... in the corner in a sort of
clean room
is the MCM end of the Black Island micro-wave and out back are the
that run it. I check them mostly each day then go upstairs where Jill
runs the
sewing machine and the tea party.
Chalet is
the ANS (contractor) headquarters building. The boss’ office is there
with the INMARSAT terminal, FAX and TWX.
is the hub of the universe here. The centre of intellectual stimulation
and the
home of the only people really worth having a beer with. (Don't tell
else here that.) The two guys at Sattrack are chili that would make
Guy's eyes
water, also doubles as the Station Senior Science Leader and NSF rep.
He is
also the official Greenpeace Antagonist; but don't let that fool you,
he drives
a Harley so he can't be all bad. I keep my popcorn popper at Sattrack
and try
to stay at least a six-pack ahead with the LION BROWN (that's some
GOOD! Kiwi beer).
Keith and Larry Rappaport have a few things in common (they both have
TVRO Earth stations) and he is an ex-hippie so we have a lot to chat
Thanks for your news about the net and the pictures. I hope you get rid
of all
that snow before I come to visit. Another friend also wrote to say he
suffered a similar accident. His vehicle was hit by several trees and
then a
pile of rocks which threw it into the air. "A sixty-one-hundred dollar
amusement park ride." he said. Some day when the comms are good I will
to make the right connexions to check in on the net. I was able to do
it one
night with the Heavy Hitters Traffic Net on 04/64 in Waltham.
Good to read from you, thanks for the picture and the news. I hope to
be able
to help out with your Bird House Project. That could well be a means of
for me when I return from here.
Your letter and pictures from Zurich brightened my day. Thanks for
trying for
the poster. I wrote to France directly but have not received anything.
you might keep me in mind when you drive there. I received a letter
from Mr.
Cook who thanks me again for the good time he had as your guest and I
thank you
for that favour.
Part of what I am doing here is just that; to find out who can write
I am trying on a new skin. Looking for the Way. Learning new things and
relearning things I did not know I had forgotten. Working OR
sightseeing? Yes!
But I still like Mount Washington the best and some day I will go back;
if there
is anything to go back to. The "crew"? Not too much. Bob Loring is
still building his new house in Conway. Dave Scharn was teaching in
Conway but
he left there just before I did. Chick just bought a new truck, rolled
his last
one. Last I knew: Bobby had his own business in Colorado designing and
installing custom car music systems; Tony was getting a divorce; Eileen
still with Hewlett Packard; Artie has been driving a long haul moving
bought his own rig.
I have
changed my name... Stay
Gold, Love,
Thole —30—
This letter
is COPYRIGHT by Alfred J. Oxton, 1988-2009, McMurdo Station, Ross
Antarctica. No portion
may be reproduced by any means without my express written permission.
A.J.Oxton, OA, OO, OAE, k1oIq
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Copyright © 2009, A.J.Oxton, The Cat Drag'd Inn ,