Where's Hazel? Pet Hazel. Hazel needs her dreadlocks
Almost Autumn
Picking up where I left off at the Autumnal
Equinox... Part has arrived for TinyTruck so I have that
R&R to do.
On the way back from Buckeye Friday I started into a left
turn off Watson Road and found I had no power steering.
Egad! Now what? Made the turn into a parking slip and
visited with my Chiropractor while TinyTruck cooled. Close
inspection under her bonnet found one belt not there cos I
was still in process of replacing the smog pump, two belts
missing—one to the steering pump and one to the a/c
compressor—and the alternator-water pump belt was turned
inside out!
At Buckeye I'd just bought a new set of four belts as part
of the smog pump project so I was well positioned in that
respect but did not have all my tools. I did manage to
replace the alternator water pump belt and get home to The
Cat Drag'd Inn just in time for lunch and a nap.
After lunch and nap I replaced the other belts and installed
the new smog pump. Starts ok. I managed to get everything
back together with no leftover parts and no skinned
knuckles. Tomorrow I'll go for a test drive.
Blast from the past
Today I received a note from Regine regarding the vocabulary
word list I compiled in 2011 for At
Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'neill. Very exciting
and rewarding to have a followup like that.
2020ix19 The Goldfinches Have Returned to Tonopahno
Must be almost Winter! There were seven goldfinches
on my Finch Feeder this morning.
Is This Equinox An Omen?
Another of those days. I started out with a do-list
for today: Juice some oranges; Start a laundry; Wash dishes;
Vacuum floor; Hang the laundry out to dry; Repair the shower
room door; Lunch & nap... Got the oranges done Ok. At
the laundry there was a little water on the floor and a kind
of hissing noise like a kettle makes or a water heater.
Started the laundry and suddenly there is /lots/ of water on
the floor. Critters have been dining on the hoses. As fast
as the water is going into the machine water is streaming
out of the drain hose. Parts for the Wet/Dry Vac are around
someplace. New hoses require an hour and some drive to
Lowe's and back. So now the ten minute start-the-laundry
task has taken four hours and I have yet to take up two
sopping rugs from the den. Lunch and a nap are still on my
Bucket List. Just occurs to me that I wrote of this
misadventure in my previous letter... Old news? Leftover
text? Recurring nightmare?
Paul asked about continents I've been on and that got me
thinking about countries I've visited and never listed.
Herewith then, more or less in chronological order, with
comments re duration &c, one list:
1. United
States, several
2. Canada,
many times;
3. Thule Greenland for a few weeks;
4. Mexico, a few times, visiting my dentist mostly;
5. US Virgin Islands;
6. Hawaii, when I had to go through Customs returning from:
7. Midway Island, when the DEW Line planes still landed
there, for a few weeks;
8. New
Zealand, for a few days each on several occasions on
the way to/from
9. Antarctica,
for 83 months over a ten year period;
10. Argentina,
thrice on the way to
11. Chile,
several times going to/from the other side of Antarctica;
with a side trip to
12. Easter
Island learning String Figures before a few weeks
learning to dream in Espagnol in
13. Ecuador,
after which
14. Costa
Rica San José, Quepos,
and Manuel
Antonio, before there was a national park, for a week
or so, then
15. Belize,
never out of the plane refueling on the way to
16. Panama,
likewise, on the way to
17. Texas;
what's that you say, Texas is not a country? That depends
upon who you ask.
18. Great
Britain, twice at least for weeks at a time,
19. Belgium,
by the fast train to Brussels where I found Mannekin
Pis and a patrol of Brussels Sprouts. Then a slow
train to:
20. Germany,
never set foot on the ground from the train to
21. Switzerland,
22. India,
for a month then
23. somewhere else, a refueling stop, never out of secure
area, along the way to
24. Australia.
...and back again...
25. Wait! How could I ever forget about Tahiti and
Plus the Equator
to visit with King Neptune!
A Week Until October
. . . o 0 O (everything looks ok but don't say that aloud.)
Fire In The Engine Room
The fire
happened in 2017, Friday 11 August, atop Wolf Creek
Pass and I am just now confronting some of the after
effects. Some wires melted which are only now giving a
problem. In this photo you are looking down at the top edge
of the firewall, the lighter material across near the bottom
of the frame. Below the metal is the top of the rug. The
wires on the cabin side can be seen below that. There is a
board of terminal strips. The wires in question go through
the firewall to the left edge of that board. Some damage is
due to fire. Some is nest building
Ham Radio on the ISS
Scan Television (SSTV) images are periodically
transmitted from the International
Space Station.
10/6 Mad Hatter's Tea & Brisket
Housekeeping my Medicine Chest and came across a stash of Date Nails
from Railroad Sleepers. Some folks collect these
things. Let me know if your special nail is there and I'll
mail one to you. Most of these Date Nails are from the
section of the Portland
and Ogdensburg Railway tracks that ran through Center
Conway and Crawford Notch NH.
Bent or straight, when set into a drilled hole Date Nails
become hooks for coat or hat, dish towels or tote bags...

Year # Significance to
me if any:
24 1
28 1
31 4
34 1
35 2
37 4
41 n/a My birth year.
42 n/a The Nail of The
43 1
44 2 Dave's birth year
45 2 Teddy's birth year.
46 4
47 3 Joyce's birth year.
51 1
52 7 Flora's birth year
53 5
54 1
55 12
59 1
61 2
62 1
64 2 Year The Cat
Drag'd Inn was built.
72 2
In the Trucker's 10-Code 10-13 means “Advise...Conditions”
so here is some advice:
Book Darts, something I just learnt about, are for
marking pages in books—you know those things made out of
pages that you can read batteries not necessary—eliminate
Bent corners, Paper clips, Underlining, Highlighting,
"Sticky Papers" (and sticky pages).
Ides of October—Cold and Hot
We are at the cusp of that time of the year where one wants
the heat on in the morning and the a.c. in the afternoon.
Under 60 at dawn, over 100 (still) by afternoon.
cat \'kat\ n, [fr. LL, cattus] (Felis catus) a Diabolical
Intelligence that converts kibbles into hairballs.
"Love things; use people." Thanks Mike. No—Wait! Do I have
that backwards?
Deleting Old Mail
>> Points to ponder...
> * I don't know why the TV weather
people are still putting an emphasis on
> forecasting how the weekend will be. The notion of
"weekend" has
> evaporated in the quarantine.
> Points to ponder...
> * Half of us are going to come out of this
quarantine as amazing
> cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking
> Points to ponder...
> Live as if this is your only life to live and at the
same time live as if you will
> come round again and have to clean up after your Self.
2020x25 Oscar's Restaurant
landmark Oscar's Restaurant, of Taco Tuesday fame,
formerly known as Tonopah Joe's Bar & Alice's
Restaurant, burned to the ground at about 0300 this morning.
The best tacos between Quartzsite and Phoenix is a total
loss. No injuries indicated. Next best place for parking and
meals near i10x94 (aside from the Subway in the Flying Pilot
Truck Stop) is The Tin Top on Wintersburg Road at Salome Hwy
(4 miles south of i10x98) or the T/A at i10x103.
2020 November First
Adding and dividing and writing the
October Weather Summary.... The highlight of my morning was
when Hurricane Hazel-Rah jumped to the galley table and
spilled my fresh new hot tea onto my venerable 1977 HP29C.
Any errors in the Weather Summary data for October are all
her fault. In the past fortnight I have gone from daily
running two a/c units (21,000 BTU total) to burning three
propane fires. From shirt-less to shirt-full. Windows open
to windows closed.
Election After Maths
Took me three days, an alcohol bath, and the advice of a
wizard named Panamatik
in Germany to repair my venerable HP29C. Henceforth
Hurricane Hazel-Rah will be obliged to do maths on her
The Ides of November
Warming trend again. Does PC-ness still permit the phrase
“Indian Summer”? There is a new stray cat under The Cat
Drag'd Inn. So now I have a Cat in the back, a cat in
the front, and a cat outside under.
Dave & Nadine are at Sky Harbour in Phoenix, awaiting
their flight. They are dressed in heavy boots, parka, scarf,
mittens, all ready to head home to the Canadian
winter. An old American couple standing nearby in
shorts are intrigued by their manner of dress. The wife says
to her husband, "Look at that couple, I wonder where they're
from?" He replies, "How would I know?" She counters,
"You could go and ask them." He says, "I don't really care,
if you want to know, you go ask them." She decides to
do just that, walks over to the couple and asks, "Excuse me,
I've noticed the way you're dressed and I wonder where
you're from?" Dave replies,"Saskatoon, Saskatchewan."
The woman returns to her husband who asks, " So, where are
they from?" She replies, "I don't know. They don't
speak English!
La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 Hilos
or a Supporting Role In A Foreign Film
For you who know about Cat's Cradle, Tea Cup, and Jacob's
Ladder: A month or so ago I received email from Chile
inviting me to participate in a Festival of String Figures
to be held on line and later published as a movie. I never
did get to record the scene the producer wanted however all
the instructions, still photos and storey, for Tere Te
Vaka were already online and in the article I wrote
for Bulletin of The
International String Figure Association. So the people
in Chile had one of their own stand in for me. The movie
is here; there's about five minutes of intro slide
before the theme begins.
I think I am being adopted by a big strange cat. She sleeps
atop the air cleaner in the engine room and eats kibbles
from a bowl I put out but she won't let me pet her. At least
not yet. So now I have three calendars and three cats. The
number of calendars on the wall of a diner is said to mean
how good the food is. Three cats—A CAT (3208) in the back, a
cat (Hazel-Rah) in the front, and a cat (RingTail ) outside
underneath—I don't know what that means.
“There is one infallible way to find honest food at just
prices in blue highway America: count the wall calendars in
a café. [When did highways on a road map change from blue to
red or black?]
“No calendar: Same as an interstate pit stop
“One calendar: preprocessed food assembled in New Jersey
“Two calendars: Only if fish trophies present
“Three calendars: Can’t miss on the farm boy breakfasts
“Four calendars: Try the ho-made pie, too.
“Five calendars: Keep it under your hat, or they will
“One time I found a six calendar café in the Ozarks, which
served fired chicken, peach pie, and chocolate malts, that
left me searching for another ever since. I’ve never seen a
seven-calendar place.”
—From William Least
Heat Moon's book: Blue Highways
And it goes without saying that the calendars must be
different one from the other, awarded, presented, from
travellers, salesmen, truckers et.al of that ilk.
Thanks For Giving
My World Famous Male Apple Pie is in the oven. Presently I
will take that and motor on over to a small gathering at a
neighbour's to share a traditional meal on folding chairs in
the back yard. Petrifriedium gobblesaurus will be
the main course. "...modern turkeys, chickens, and ducks are
descended from vicious theropod predators that would have
ripped into me without a second thought if I suddenly
materialized in the Cretaceous period. Turnabout is fair
play, I reckoned." —Victoria Jaggard, SCIENCE
executive editor NGS
December—The End Is Nigh!
Of 2020 that is. 33f here this dawn. Soft ice on the
bird bath. I saw a penguin at the finch feeder. I will
commence Journal Number 36 today. A focus group organised by
my medical insurance company conducted a ZOOM meeting to
discuss selling points in the design for an advert campaign.
"What do you think about this statement?" the moderator
asks. "How about this phrase?" Ninety minutes of opining and
a nice Amazon Gift Card for my input.

Presently I’m “reading” Sapiens: A brief History of
Humankind when I’m driving to and fro the Food Bank,
doctor visits, post office. This link is to a squib
in that book. There are a number of typos and glitches
in the transcription but the punch line is intact.
HMO Annual Physical Examination Entry Qualification Quiz
asks several questions: Do you have help waking up and
getting out of bed? Do you have problems leaking pee? I
answered Yes to the first and No to the second of those and
I was able to answer No to the question: Do you need help
getting dressed? When those questions came round again
during my doctor's poking and prodding he asked what sort of
help I had to wake and rise. Well, I said, the alarum cat
combs my beard and kneads my bladder to remind me she wants
to be fed. "And the leaking problem", he asked? "At your
last visit you indicated you had a leaking issue. What have
you done about that?" Not a problem now, your honour, the
dog follows me around and laps up the drips. "The dog?" he
exclaimed! Yes. But then the dog eats the cat poo as well so
I don't need to clean the litter box anymore.
I suppose I should stop right there, quit whilst I'm ahead,
and get this letter posted so I can get on with the Annual
Summary. But this is supposed to be a Winter Solstice Letter
so I still have ten days to go.
Boxing Day
My letter writing has gone from being early to being late.
And I have yet to finish with the wiring and other repairs
related to the fire in the engine room.
The Twelve Daze of Covidmas
Sung to the tune of... Thanks loads and heaps to Gemma
Correll. Well Done!