

Travels With Oso con Migo

Odyssey In America

OAE Off and On and Off The Road Again — CHROMOBLASTOMYCOSIS

Nude Sunbathers Ahead

2024 June Spring into Summer — Greetings Virtual Travellers and Pen Friends:
Where's Hazel? Pet Hazel. Hazel needs her dreadlocks trimmed.

Other Eclipse AdventuresMorehouse models VA Eclipse Shirt

I headed off to an eclipse one Summer into the face of a Rain Likely forecast. Given the general reliability of forecasts by the Weather Service (50% Correct less than half the time) I figured what the hell... We rode my 750-4 Honda south from Nashua, headed for somewhere south in Virginia. The boy riding pillion and I were equipped for camping and planned on space in some town park on the center line. 

The first night we camped in a grave yard in eastern Pennsylvania. Rain began the morning of our second day. Rain continued. We road south close behind a semi, drifting from side to side to let the driver know we were there and at the same time I was chatting with other eclipse hopefuls on the ham radio. One group travelling south ahead of us had reserved a block of motel rooms, they invited us to join them.

Rain continued into the day of the eclipse. A few of that group, more desperate than me, chartered a plane to get them above the clouds. My self, my companion and others watched the show on the TV the motel provided. The ride home was bright and sunny of course.

Right Distal Dorsal Forearm, Biopsy by Shave Method: Malignant.

- CHROMOBLASTOMYCOSIS  My next appointment will be on Happy Big Wind Day to see if Shylock will get his pound of flesh after all. 

2024 April 3, 83rd Orbit Begins

Nice at least. One person sent a nice card. One website sent greetings as they do every year. My dental group computer sent SPAM with a smile. One person sent a useful gift. I changed insurance company for TinyTruck to get a small savings in an otherwise outrageous premium. A quartet of volunteers at the Food Bank sang Happy Birthday while the Food Room Manager washed my pie dish. My sisters sent text greetings. Two people called. Several, including you--thank you very much, sent email. One person sent a different '83' theme song
I do not regret growing older; it is a privilege denied to many.

4 April - Happy Susan’s BirthdayEclipse
                  Viewed With Pinhole Camera

When my mother first came home with Susan she presented the baby to me as my late birthday present. I'm doing better emotionally since I decided not to go off chasing this solar eclipse. Instead I have started putting together a list of previous solar eclipses I have seen sarcastically subtitled "You Seen One Eclipse You Seen 'em All"  But not really. Every eclipse was different. In part for the location and the weather. The people I was with, especially the ones I brought along, made a big difference in my experience. So I am going to miss all that with this eclipse but the hype has turned the experience into a circus and that will devolve, has already, into a madhouse of traffic jams, shortages, and fools/victims with retinal damage.


My friend Mike and I have an on-going clutter-unclutter relationship.  As a teeter-totter goes up and down some things go to and fro between us, between thrift store and Mike, between me and Amazon...  But there seems to be an imbalance at work.  Stuff flows more to than fro; every year when I weigh The Cat Drag'd Inn the bus is heavier by an hundred pounds.  Each time I move stuff around from one shed to another there is always more to move.

The Great North American EclipseWest
                  Array Eclipse Output

I could not see my way clear to chase this one and so watched with a pinhole camera and on the NASA channel where I saw totality six times.  The sky stayed very bright here in Tonopah at about 50% totality but the solar PV array output took a big hit. See the graph. The sky was very clear for solar minimum just after 1100 local time. The dips before and after were transient clouds.

After the eclipse I loaded TinyTruck to go camping out on Saddle mountain with Paul and others. Tube steaks and apple pie for supper. A grand night sleeping under the stars. I was surprised how bright was the sky. Too many too bright lights from the egg factory, a power plant, and at least one construction project installing another huge solar array. The sky never did get truly deep dark however I did see a couple satellites, maybe three or four, at least one meteor, and lots of stars.  When I returned to The Cat Drag’d Inn late next morning Hurricane Hazel-Rah looked at me with dagger-eyes and growled Where’s my breakfast?

Yesterday [12th April] was Happy Big Wind Day!

Here we had a blast of 28mph that blew over one of my free-standing 100w PV panels. No damage. Tied down better now. Yesterday was also an hour and a half "under the knife" of Dr Shylock as he removed a 3x1cm slice of basal cell carcinoma from my right forearm. No swimming or hot tub soaking for ten days; minimal physical activity until the stitches are removed.

April 19th National Clothesline Day!

NAZ (formerly NAWS) yesterday sent a note that my very dear inverter, out of service now a fortnight waiting on parts, was repaired-tested-ready and would be shipped overnight via UPS,  Then UPS sent a note saying my very dear inverter would be delivered some time today.   Special delivery instructions said: Special Instructions: DO NOT LEAVE PACKAGE ON GROUND!  TEXT [ahead] AND I WILL MEET YOU AT THE GATE.  So I subscribed to UPS’s Follow That Driver text feed and waited.
                Proof of Delivery
At 13h42 TEXT arrived: “UPS DELIVERED as of 04/19/2024 1:39 PM.”  Oh!  Shit! I yelled.  Thanks for letting me know ahead of time so I could meet you at the gate!  And went out to retrieve my dear inverter before the same guy who stole the battery out of Paul’s truck last week returned for a second helping.  The inverter weighs 47 pounds so I took TinyTruck and drove out to the front gate.  No inverter.  Turned around and drove back to check Hassyampa Hall, Paul’s Cappanone, the big garage, the small garage, No Inverter!  Back to the UPS website to look for “Proof of Delivery”.  They take photos now of where they hide things...  The photo was dark and fuzzy, about all one could make out is that the box is blue.  At least that will show up in the forest of green thorny bushes.

I donned my Sherlockian Deerstalker and wandered around.  Found the box in the third least likely location.  Not at the front gate-mailbox-parcel place, not at the logical easy to get to big white garage, not at the easy to find tho poorly identified front door of Hassyampa Hall nor the guarded by dogs, and three clawed cats front door of Paul’s Cappanone, but finally, at the unmarked, obscure, northeast mangate, outside, on the ground of course.

Feast Day of Saint George

I had my stitches out yesterday; that scar is looking good.  A few days ago I had occasion to listen to some lady friend bemoaning the present state of her health and when she paused to take a breath I held up my arm to display my stitches.  Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the scar.  Oh shit, she said, you win; that was the end of her moaning.

tercero de mayoPolished Silver

Suddenly May Day has been and gone and I realise I have not done my Annual Birthday Silver Polish and Wood Oil tasks.  I’ve been busy with a fortnight of Inverter Issues and PV Charge Controller Problems that I won’t belabour.  Helpers at NAZ and SunForged have been kind and patient with their counsel and interpretations of arcane literature.  Right now I believe these two very essential power sources are functional.  All smoke and mirrors.  Who said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”? 

Octo de Mayo

Found in Steven’s Chinese Fortune Cookie: “Even as the cell is the unit of the organic body, so the family is the unit of society.”  Too true.  Now the chicken/egg question: If the deterioration of one leads to that of the other, which is the cause of the present abysmal condition?

I’m Saving This, Might Be A Profundity:

All of that straightness was suggestive of demonism; more natural and human
was the ever-turning way, where you could never see round the next corner,
and the overall plan could be understood only after lengthy meditation.
                                                                  --Judge Fang v.s Dr X

24 May 25  Healthy Issue

A pressing issue in my bowel woke me at some time after midnight and commenced to leave me drained and bordering on dehydrated before the morning passed.  Gastro Enteritis the tele-medicine doctor said after an hour of musical nurses.  My own doctor does not work on holiday weekends. 
I did manage an hour or so between runs to work on the gate but even that was interrupted by a visit to a nearby sand hill. As with a cold: three to five days and the problem should pass.  So what I have done today is mostly nap a lot.  Good thing I scored a case of Gatorade a the food bank.

Animals In The ArkHead Wolf Spider

Keeping me company along with Hurricane Hazel-Rah The Oliver Cat are at least two species of spider inside:  Cellar Spider and Wolf Spider [at least those are my closest approximation]. And maybe a few other kinds outside.  One of the results of sitting in these ruts too long is the number of webs, like anchor chains, tying the bus to the ground.  Inside there are several Cellar Spiders making their webs under the galley table, between the aloe bush and the spider plants, and between the driver's seat and the pedals that make the bus go and stop. Wolf Spiders have been seen from time to time perched atop the bug-zapper lamp or along the towel rack in the head where flies frequent to find water.  This Wolf Spider was found lurking under a fold of prescription label stuck to the wall.

Closing Journal #39

I’ve been writing a daily journal since at least mid 1983.  That first book is a gallimaufry of clippings, notes, photos, and redacted pages.  The first instance of “1983” is near the middle of that book.  My biographer might eventually label 1979 to 1983 “The Lost Years”.  So, forty years... One might say I am now a Quadrajournalarian. 

The Ides of June

...carries the same odiousmess as the Ides of March.  TinyTruck is in the garage with a broken Ignition Module.  Same symptoms as back in April of 2019.  Interesting that the “original” ignition module (original at least as far as my tenure is marking time) lasted from 1997 to 2019.  The replacement served only five years.  The situation was muddy and murky. Basic problem was a matter of No Spark. Keep in mind this motor is pre-computer controlled. A half step above mechanical points. A reluctor and simple transistor switch have replaced the mechanical points and cam.  Various test narrowed the culprits to a tiny ignition module within the distributor, or the spark coil on the outside of the distributor.

The failure of the spark only happened at high temperatures. Initially at least the problem was a matter of not starting after driving for a while. If I waited long enough she would start and run ok until the next hot restart and then fail to start. This sequence happened several times wenzday whilst shopping and thursday during my morning rounds to the post office.  After getting started the second time thursday I headed to Allan's Garage. On the way there, the last mile is washboard gravel so I drove slowly, and a half mile short of the garage the motor quit--no restart. I called Allan for a tow.

At the garage he directed a stream of water onto the distributor and after a few minutes the motor started. So we figured that ignition module was at fault and replaced with new. Now the motor wouldn't start even cold. Further testing indicated the module was working but the spark coil was not sparking. Allan got out what he called his Universal Spark Coil and with a few clipleads connected in place of the one on the motor. Started up fine!
SpaceX Launch Contrail
So we reconnected the original. That too started fine. But there was a germ of suspicion now and some cracks in the insulation of the original coil so we replaced that with a proper matching part. Started fine.  Of course all this has taken from Thursday to Monday now. Along the way I did a Lube & Oil which was a few thousand miles overdue and played a nearly non-stop game of fetch with the shop dog.

In the end I had time to reflect and remember a similar ignition failure a few years back which also required a tow and a lot of troubleshooting but no parts, only a lot of wriggling wires. So I may not be through with this problem yet. I just have to remember which wires I wriggled.

Monsoon Season Begins

Time to get this letter on the road.  Hot here.  And Humid.  We had three traces of rain yesterday. Big drops--SPLAT!--into the dust, made little craters; but traces never add up to anything.  Another of the features of this location besides the heat is the opportunity to observe SpaceX Launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base. Seconds after "Liftoff" is announced by SpaceX one can see the vapour trail climbing from the horizon due west.  The contrail arcs up and turns to the south.  When the sky is just so the sight is rather exciting.

Food Bank Day 26 June

Eucal Blowing In The WindYesterday we had RAIN! 0.13" Insufficient to break the long term drought but that thirteen-hundredth of an inch of liquid precipitation was the first measurable rain in 83 days.  Windy too. Gust-O-Meter was up to 38mph.

---Limertics cause Rhyme Disease---

You are really stretching the form here
Writhing limericks re near and far there
So much hurts my ears
I'd imbibe a few beers
But my meds proscribe drink in this biosphere.

June’s End

Lake Verde & PanthersThis week’s  broken thing is one of the irrigation valves out back.  Does not shut off completely. Just trickles a bit, so there is a growing morass under the big Palo Verde.  But also the valve does not turn on all the way when the timer calls for water so the lack of full pressure is starving the trees at the ends of the branches.  Lake Verde has attracted a hive of bees and at least two miniature Black Panthers.

Completed the online lessons of Poll Worker Training.  My grade was 95%.  A F2F classroom session next week and I’ll be ready to work the Primary at the end of July.

Life, The Universe & Everything?
Send Money With Zelle QR Code
Be Well, Do Good, and Please Write.Roadrunner Patrol Flag

Love, ajo

I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.  Sir Isaac Newton

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Copyright © 2024, A.J.Oxton, The Cat Drag'd Inn , Tonopah AridZona 85354-0313.